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After counselling with his wise guys Xerxes terminated her as queen. He then had the situation of finding still another queen - and wife. His particular attendants proposed he perform a elegance match involving probably the most appealing small virgins to determine who should be queen. The master commonly recognized this advice. He appointed Escorts in Lahore commissioners in each of the 127 provinces of his empire to find lovely virgin girls to deliver to the capital city, Shushan, for assessment. Area of the evaluation process required each virgin to invest a night with the king. It could have been an arduous task for the master because, according to Josephus, 400 virgins were submitted from the provinces. This history, along with what followed, is noted also in the biblical guide called Esther.

Before going more we may decide to think on the ethical fibre of both of these queens. It would appear that the Persian King Vashti was having a stand on theory and was handled very harshly because of it while Esther, as a Jewish girl, seemed to own no qualms about having sex with the king. It absolutely was, obviously, just a matter of singles'sex because the king had divorced Vashti.

The penalty for adultery in Israel was demise, but how about singles'sex? One biblical passage (Exodus 22:16,17) indicates that the penalty for singles'intercourse was that the errant couple had to marry, offered dad allowed, and the man had to pay the bride price.

Therefore the attachment of the penis to the vagina constituted a relationship proposal and the lady was thought to possess recognized the proposal until she screamed loudly as in a rape case. (Deuteronomy 22:25-28) If father did not enable the union the person however had to pay for the bride cost because his girl, as a non-virgin now, had been devalued in the marketplace. This alone would give the man some cause for restraint in using his sexual activities.

We would, of course,see these provisions as really simple and very improper; nonetheless it is helpful to consider that there will be nowhere near as numerous single parents, much less sexually sent infection, and possibly fewer divorces underneath the Jewish program because father (whose boring perceptions could absolutely have now been enlivened by mum) may identify probable potential problems and ban an unsuitable marriage.

By the way, Xerxes'research with the 400 virgin girls could have solved a concern some girls question today: What're the possibilities of having pregnant after the first intercourse experience (unprotected)? Intercourse with 400 women may have produced an important quantity of simple mothers.

Doubtless Esther did not scream once the king copulated with her since she was likely to possess her head take off if she did, and in any case she was ready to marry him in harmony with Jewish law. In fact it had been probably in the providence of Lord that she became King of Persia since, as readers of the guide of Esther will know, decades later a day was set which all Jews all around the kingdom were to be massacred. Hitler was not the first to ever program a holocaust for the Jews.

Probably several visitors won't think a phrase of this story. But they need to describe why Jews still observe the Purim vacation one day every year in commemoration of the signal triumph engineered by Esther. The Wikipedia article "Amestris" acknowledges the chance that Amestris, the wife of Xerxes and mom of his successor Artaxerxes, may have been similar to the biblical Esther.

Other Jewish women also demonstrated woman power. Deborah was one of many rulers of Israel before there have been any kings. She also behaved as a decide and prophetess in Israel. At one stage she commissioned a man called Barak to put together an army to repulse a military threat to Israel. Barak wasn't sport to complete it until she was included with him. So she did, and they won a sign victory.


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